Dr. Wyns now offers Unexpected Fire as a 32 part teaching series. This powerful new study on the book of Revelation comes as a 16 CD set, complete with carry case.
Each CD contains two 30-minute teachings.
Teachings include:
- Introduction
- Revelation is about Jesus Christ
- The Church and the Tribulation Period
- The Throne Room and the Almighty
- The Seraphim, Elders, and People in Heaven
- The Lion of Judah and His Angels
- The Great Tribulation and the Four Horses
- The Glory of the Martyrs and Hell on Earth
- Two Amazing Revivals
- The Altar of Prayer
- The First Four Trumpets
- The Three Woes
- Demons at the Euphrates River
- Your Part in the Great Tribulation
- Identifying the Two Witnesses
- The Resurrection of the Two Witnesses
- The Woman and the Dragon
- Satan is Cast Down
- Identifying the Beast
- The Government and the Power of the Beast
- The False Prophet
- An Extraordinary Anointing
- The Greatest Revival
- The Wrath of God and the Sea of Glass
- The Seven Bowls of Wrath
- Identifying the Great Prostitute
- The Fall of Babylon
- The Hallelujah Chorus
- Is the Rapture Real?
- The Second Coming
- The New Millennium
- The Great White Throne and Eternity