"Dr. Peter Wyns has written a much-needed book for our times. It teaches a life of destiny and how we can be free from curses that inhibit that destiny. The book's major points are reinforced by compelling, real life illustrations. It will hold your interest. It may be the most important book you read this year!"
~Dr. Richard E. Tompkins
Founder and President of Explore Truth Ministries
"Blessings or Curses for the Next Generation" gives us great insight and understanding. This easy to read book is so important for every believer. I strongly recommend that you study this book. You will be tremendously blessed."
~Dr. Varun Laohaprasit, MD
Neurosurgeon, Neurological Associates of WA
Sr. Pastor of New Hope International Church, WA
"Fantastic book! It is a must read for every believer! The truths of this dynamic work will take you from faith to function. Dr. Wyns has captured a practical and spiritual approach that takes us from the knowledge of our position in Christ, to the exercise of assimilating Christ's work in every area of life."
~Dr. Dwain Miller, D.Min
Senior Pastor, Cross Life Church
El Dorado, Arkansas