Dr. Peter Wyns is the President and Director of Ministry for
"Christians for Messiah Ministries" (CFM).

Our mandate is to:

1. Teach God's Word
2. Train God's People
3. Release God's Blessing

Every year, Christians for Messiah Ministries provides ministry to thousands of people and congregations throughout the world. Through that minstry, many people come to Christ, dozens of congregations grow in faith, and thousands receive inner healing, physical healing, and deliverance. Many are further commissioned to be ministers of the Gospel themselves. It is our delight to equip God's people for the work of the ministry, reunite families and help churches find fresh vision.

With in-depth teaching and powerful revelation, people from all walks of life and many different denominations are put on track with their destiny and calling in Christ. Dr. Wyns is available (as scheduling allows) to minister at churches, Bible Schools, and conferences, both large and small. He and his wife Joy are personable and friendly, which combined with their teaching gift, is the reason they are invited as key speakers at retreats and family-focused churches.


Contact Us about scheduling
Dr. Wyns for your ministry event

Peter Wyns

Dr. Wyns speaks on a wide variety
of Christian themes

Click here to view a list of
commonly requested teaching topics

Partner With Christians for Messiah Ministries

If you would like to partner with Christians for Messiah Ministries by making a monthly financial contribution, you may do so below.

For a montly donation of $20.00 (USD) or more, you will receive our monthly teaching letter and CD in the mail.

All financial support for Dr. and Mrs. Wyns comes from your donations to Christians for Messiah Ministries. We appreciate your prayers and support as we seek to minister the heart of the Lord throughout the world.


*All donations to Christians for Messiah Ministries are tax deductible


© Peter Wyns 2009